
Mohs Surgery Specialist

Mohs Surgery services offered in Dawsonville, Cumming, and Toccoa, GA

Mohs surgery is the surest technique for removing basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The dermatologists at Cleaver Medical Group Dermatology in Dawsonville, Cumming, and Toccoa, GA, include dermatologists with fellowship training in Mohs surgery. They perform this procedure at the office. Call today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about Mohs surgery.

Mohs Surgery Q&A

What is Mohs surgery?

Mohs surgery treats skin cancer. It’s a highly specialized procedure that removes cancerous lesions one layer at a time. Your dermatologist continues to remove the cancer until they reach cancer-free tissue.

The dermatologists at Cleaver Medical Group Dermatology perform Mohs surgery on nonmelanoma cancers. This includes basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).

BCC and SCC are the most often seen skin cancers. Mohs surgery is one of the most effective techniques for removing these cancers. It provides the highest clearance rate of cancer cells while sparing the greatest amount of healthy tissue.

What are the advantages of Mohs surgery?

Mohs surgery offers many advantages when it comes to treating skin cancer. These include:

  • Ensuring complete cancer removal
  • Significantly reducing the risk of the cancer returning
  • Minimizing the loss of healthy tissue
  • Repairing the site of the cancer the same day as removal
  • Having the highest cure rate

Cleaver Medical Group Dermatology performs Mohs surgery to treat skin cancer on the hands, face, and neck.

What happens during Mohs surgery?

Your dermatologist at Cleaver Medical Group Dermatology performs your Mohs surgery at the office. They recommend you wear comfortable clothing and plan to stay at the office for up to four hours.

Your dermatologist injects a local anesthetic around your tumor to numb the area. Your dermatologist then removes the visible tumor and a thin layer of the surrounding tissue.

The tissue is placed on a slide to be examined under a microscope. If the dermatologist finds evidence of cancer in the tissue, they remove another layer of tissue and examine it. This process continues until your dermatologist reaches cancer-free tissue.

Your dermatologist then closes your wound. They usually stitch the wound, turning the round hole into a fine, straight-line scar.

After your Mohs surgery, you leave the office cancer-free.

What happens during Mohs surgery recovery?

Your dermatologist at Cleaver Medical Group Dermatology gives you specific instructions on caring for your surgical wound at home. Most patients get back to their usual activities by the next day.

The dermatologists recommend avoiding swimming, heavy lifting, and exercise until the stitches are removed.

Though Mohs surgery has the highest success rate for skin cancer treatment, no single treatment has a 100% cure rate.

Call Cleaver Medical Group Dermatology or schedule an appointment online today to find out more about Mohs surgery.