Common skin warts are raised round or oval growths. The dots are small, clotted blood vessels. Warts may occur alone or in larger groups that merge and form patches. You can become infected with the virus that causes warts by touching another person’s wart. Skin warts are most common in children and young adults. They are also more common among people with certain jobs, such as handling meat, fish, and poultry.
Treatment of warts depends upon where the wart is located and how much it bothers you. Treatment is not necessary in all cases because about two-thirds of skin warts will resolve on their own within two years, without treatment. However, during this time, the wart may enlarge or new warts may appear. In addition, a few small warts are usually easier to treat than multiple larger warts. For these reasons, most people choose to treat skin warts. There are many ways to treat warts, and the “best” treatment depends upon your and your healthcare provider’s preferences and any underlying medical problems. Most treatments take several weeks or even months to work and warts can come back after treatment.