
Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris

Many treatment options and skin care recipes are available for treating keratosis pilaris. Many patients have very good temporary improvement following a regular skin care program. As a general rule, treatment needs to be continuous. Because no single therapy is effective, the list of potential lotions and creams is long. Importantly, keep in mind that as with any condition, no therapy is uniformly effective in all people. Complete clearing may not be possible.

Keratosis pilaris may be treated with topical immunomodulators such as Elidel or Protopic. Although these products are approved for atopic dermatitis and eczema, their use would be considered off label for keratosis pilaris. These may be used in more resistant cases or when the patient has considerable skin redness or inflammation. Laser therapies including more aggressive resurfacing lasers, carbon dioxide, fractional lasers, and other aggressive laser therapies have been used in limited cases for keratosis pilaris.